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At Kids In Nutrition, we do the research for you. We carefully select reliable and practical resources on how to start incorporating more plant-forward foods into the everyday diet. 

Healthy Living Guide

Healthy Living Guide 

This guide emphasizes the importance of nutrition and its link with physical activity and sleep as components of a healthy lifestyle. While a more broad lifestyle guide, it also provides strategies, budget planning, mindfulness practices, and discussions on sustainability and COVID-19. Brought to you by Harvard School of Public Health.


"Any movement towards more plants and fewer animal products can improve your health."

The Plant-Based Diet: A Healthier Way to Eat

Here you will find a detailed yet digestible introduction to plant-based diets and their implications on health. In addition, there are meal ideas, tips for eating out, important nutrient information, and a personal action plan! Brought to you by Kaiser Permanente.

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The Beginner's Guide to a Plant-Based Diet

This resource includes tools, recipes, and insights on how to start incorporating more plant foods into your diet. Brought to you by Forks over Knives.

Rooted Santa Barbara

Programs with Similar Missions

Check out other nutrition and sustainability programs for additional information.

Click icons to learn more.

Turning Green
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KINcentive Challenges




Grocery Tips & Tricks


Cook with

your Kids

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