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KIN Nutrition Worksheets

KIN worksheets reinforce the key takeaways from each lesson in our nutrition curriculum. These online take-home sheets also give parents the opportunity to stay in touch with their child's learning. If your child is in the KIN program, these are sent out to you by your classroom teacher. You can also view each worksheet down below, offered in both English and Spanish. 

Kids In Nutrition
Kids In Nutrition

Lesson 1: Water & Sodium

Kids In Nutrition

Lesson 2: Fruits & Vegetables

Kids In Nutrition

Lesson 3: Grains & Proteins

Kids In Nutrition

Lesson 4: Fats &

Cooking Methods

Kids In Nutrition

Lesson 5: Sugars

Kids In Nutrition

Lesson 6: Moderation, Balanced Plate, & Nutrition Labels

Kids In Nutrition
Kids In Nutrition

Nutrition Curriculum




Kids In Nutrition

Cook with

your Kids


Grocery Tips & Tricks

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