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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out KIN's FAQs to learn more about our program. Still have a question? You can contact us directly here.

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Volunteers, Teachers, Families, Partnerships, and General

What does the program schedule look like and when do we volunteer? KIN runs programs during each semester or quarter of the academic year. Teams of 3–5 KINstructors teach weekly for seven consecutive weeks in their assigned local elementary classrooms. Each lesson lasts one hour and is scheduled during standard elementary school hours (8:00 AM–2:00 PM). Before each program cycle begins, volunteers complete a form to indicate their availability for potential lesson times and days. Based on this information, volunteers are grouped into teaching teams for the duration of the program. Depending on the KIN chapter, there are also opportunities for teaching after-school lessons.

Where does KIN teach? KIN delivers lessons to kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade classrooms in local elementary schools. The lessons are also designed to be adaptable for other settings, such as community centers and neighborhood clinics.

What if I am accepted as a KINstructor, but cannot teach a semester/quarter due to scheduling conflicts? That is completely understandable! Since KIN operates each semester/quarter of the school year, this presents multiple opportunities for volunteers to participate in our program.

What does volunteer university student training and class preparation entail? Volunteers participate in a one-hour training session to practice the Week 1 lesson in small groups, review general classroom rules, and learn KIN’s Principles For Fostering A Positive Experience With Food. They also receive a set of training slides for each of KIN's seven lessons, providing additional guidance and tips to help them prepare for each session.

I don’t have a car, can I still volunteer? No problem! Volunteers are placed into KIN groups that carpool to ensure that transportation is accessible to all.

My university doesn’t have a KIN chapter, how do I start one? Fill out our ‘Chapter Set-Up Form’ under our 'Join the Movement' page and you application will be reviewed by the KIN team. We will reach out to you for next steps.

As a volunteer KINstructor or general volunteer, can I receive community service hours for this? Most likely! Ask your university community service center for school-specific requirements.

What ages will we be working with and why? How is teaching that specific age group of students going to influence our future? Given that children develop habits by age nine, KIN teaches kids about optimal nutrition and sustainability practices during their formative years ranging from 5-8 years old. Early food literacy education is pivotal to developing healthy and sustainable dietary habits into adulthood, building a foundation for chronic disease prevention, health equity, and environmental impact awareness is imperative for future generations.

Does KIN offer more educational programs outside of its 7-week program? Yes! KIN offers additional lessons all about beans. We have partnered with Healthy Kids, Happy Planet to deliver Cool Bean culinary adventures around the world.

As a parent/family member, what resources do you have to help me integrate my child’s learning into our home? See KIN’s ‘Parent’s Page’ for resources

I have suggestions for program improvement, where can I submit my feedback?

I/my business/my organization wants to sponsor KIN, who do I talk to? Co-founder and CEO, Michelle Nicolet at

Are you a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization? Yes! Donation are tax-deductible.

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